Why is A Dropped Walking Cane Such a Big Deal for My Organization?
Across the world, evolving pieces of legislation, such as the UK Equality Act 2010, the American with Disabilities Act, make it a requirement that people with disabilities are provided with equal access to goods and services. “Auxiliary aids” are seen as a reasonable way of assisting someone to access your services where obstacles may exist.
At Dropmenot, we listened to people on both sides of this equation – the people using the crutches and canes – and the service providers.
Dropmenot is and auxiliary aid designed for business’s who care about their staff and customers well being. Simple and cost effective but impactful, Dropmenot allows safe storage for users of walking canes whilst enabling users to interact and feel included whilst reducing the possibility of falls and trip hazards.
When you think about it, falling walking canes are bad for any business…not to mention a misery for the people relying on them for support and your staff will be dealing with this issue on a daily basis. Not only do dropped walking canes make life difficult for their owners, they increase the amount of time that it takes to process transactions at bank counters, ATMs or cheque receiving machines, reception desks, checkouts, ticket office counters.
It’s so familiar to all of us yet it is easy for businesses to overlook. Unless, of course, you’ve been paying attention to making your premises genuinely more accessible for people with disabilities.
Get Dropmenot today, go to our shop.
Dropmenot comes with Anti-Microbial Protection!
At Dropmenot, we’ve gone the extra mile and designed a holder that is not just durable – but resistant to bacteria that comes in contact with it. That’s right. By incorporating an anti-bacterial resin additive, at the manufacturing stage, our UltraHygienic range of holders will prevent the passage of bacteria that can result in infection.
Unlike other surface applied anti-bacterial products, this protection works from the inside’. In other words, it cannot be washed away giving piece of mind in these unprecedented times.
‘Brand Matched’ Dropmenot
For contract customers, or architects specifying the Dropmenot for a ‘roll-out’ project – that involves a company’s corporate identity being repeated – we can manufacture the holder in colours to match the brand.
Branded signage can also be provided on receipt of artwork from the client.
A minimum order of 500 units is required for ‘brand matching’.
Contact us at any stage of your project – we’re always happy to help!